Dungeon ni deai o motomeru no wa machigatteiru darou ka (86)
Daitoshokan no hitsujikai (6)
Dragon quest x (7)
Dynasty warriors | shin sangoku musou (4)
Dungeon meshi (10)
Dead by daylight (12)
Digimon universe appli monsters (1)
Digimon (23)
Di gi charat (28)
Dungeon fighter online (5)
Digimon xros wars (5)
Dragon quest ii (11)
Dies irae (1)
Digimon frontier (15)
Dalk gaiden (1)
Date a live (17)
Dragon quest heroes (10)
Darling in the franxx (33)
Daikaijuu monogatari (1)
Dokidoki precure (65)
Doukyuusei 2 (5)
Dragon quest i (2)
Dispatch (1)
Duel masters (1)
Destiny child (5)
Disgaea | makai senki disgaea (3)
Dynasty warriors (32)
Digimon adventure (36)
Disgaea (23)
Dodge danpei (2)
Devil hunter yohko (3)
Demons souls (6)
Dumbbell nan kilo moteru (8)
Dual parallel trouble adventure (2)
Diabolik lovers (5)
Dragon quest monsters (4)
Daiya no ace | ace of diamond (2)
Demonophobia (1)
Dokkoida (6)
Dragon ball z (167)
Darkstalkers | vampire (9)
Dinosaur king (2)
Dungeons and dragons (2)
Dennou coil (17)
Dino crisis (2)
Danball senki (5)
Dirty pair flash (3)
Death note (16)
Detroit metal city (2)
Dimension w (1)
D.n.angel (2)
Dangaioh (5)
Dragons crown (23)
Dorohedoro (1)
Dragon quest v (82)
Deathsmiles (3)
Disney twisted-wonderland (8)
Devil survivor 2 (5)
Digimon tamers (27)
Dr. slump (9)
Detective conan (90)
Danganronpa (115)
Dirty pair (32)
Delicious party precure (3)
Doraemon (31)
Da capo ii (14)
Dancouga (1)
Discipline (4)
Da capo (14)
Deadman wonderland (1)
Dalk (1)
Dororo (9)
Daphne in the brilliant blue (1)
Dororon enma-kun (8)
Dragonaut (18)
Dragon quest vii (5)
Dance with devils (2)
Dragon ball (75)
Dracu-riot (1)
Deception (1)
Dragon quest xi (77)
Dog days (65)
Dream hunter rem (4)
Devil summoner soul hackers (2)
Doki doki pretty league (1)
Dark avengers (2)
Etrian odyssey (51)
Eureka seven ao (6)
Earthbound zero (1)
Engage planet kiss dum (1)
Eromanga sensei (58)
Emma a victorian romance (8)
El hazard (10)
Emperors saga (1)
Ever 17 (1)
El shaddai (1)
Euphoria (1)
Eyeshield 21 (19)
Endless frontier (13)
Ensemble stars (68)
Enen no shouboutai | fire force (3)
Evolution (2)
Elemental gelade (1)
Eiken (4)
Eureka 7 | eureka seven (4)
Edens bowy (2)
Earthbound (3)
Emil chronicle online (1)
Ero trap dungeon (1)
Esper mami (5)
Expelled from paradise (12)
Etotama (2)
Epic seven (4)
Elf 17 (2)
Etrian odyssey | sekaiju no meikyuu (13)
Ef a tale of memories (1)
Excel saga (3)
Elsword (11)
Elfen lied (1)
Eto rangers (1)