Robotics notes (2)
Record of lodoss war (20)
Raramagi honyarara magic (1)
Rosario vampire (15)
Real drive (7)
Romancing saga (5)
Rakudai kishi no cavalry | chivalry of a failed knight (1)
Rpg densetsu hepoi (1)
Riding bean (1)
Resident evil (42)
Revolutionary girl utena (21)
Rune factory 4 (1)
Rumble roses (23)
Rune factory (8)
Real bout high school (1)
Rental magica (2)
Rurouni kenshin | samurai x (4)
Ryuugajou nanana no maizoukin (3)
Rail wars (4)
Routes (1)
Ranma 12 (100)
Robot girls z (4)
Rising force online (2)
Rilakkuma (1)
Rurouni kenshin (16)
Reco love (11)
Ragnarok the animation (1)
Re creators (6)
Remi nobodys girl (1)
Read or die (23)
Renkin san-kyuu magical pokaan (6)
Riddle joker (9)
Rwby (6)
Rahxephon (3)
Ryuuou no oshigoto (18)
Rinne no lagrange (6)
Rozen maiden (86)
Rival schools (31)
Robokko beaton (1)
Rage of bahamut | shingeki no bahamut genesis (1)
Romeos blue skies (7)
Rance (48)
Rokka no yuusha (1)
Ring fit adventure (1)
Rumble fish (2)
Rune soldier (3)
Rage of bahamut (5)
Resident evil | biohazard (19)
Rokudenashi majutsu koushi to akashic records (1)
Red photon zillion (3)
Rizelmine (3)
Ragnarok online (139)
Ro-kyu-bu (12)
Rage of the dragons (1)
Re zero kara hajimeru isekai seikatsu (91)
Rakudai kishi no cavalry (8)
Shinryaku ika musume (11)
Super robot wars | super robot taisen (5)
Spy kyoushitsu | spy classroom (1)
Samurai pizza cats (4)
Shining wind (1)
Sinoalice (3)
Soul eater (20)
Starship girl yamamoto yohko (1)
Sora no iro mizu no iro (2)
Sword art online (290)
Stella no mahou (1)
Sankarea (2)
Seishun buta yarou wa bunny girl senpai no yume o minai (12)
Star twinkle precure (30)
Spice and wolf (35)
Sangoku rensenki (2)
Shoujo kageki revue starlight (7)
Suguri (2)
Show by rock (14)
Super real mahjong (14)
Sentouin hakenshimasu | combatants will be dispatched (1)
Saiki kusuo no psi nan (4)
Saint tail (16)
Shirobako (23)
Sound voltex (13)
Space battleship yamato 2199 (5)
Star ocean 2 (7)
Suite precure (57)
Shinmai maou no testament (8)
Shomin sample (2)
Samurai 7 (1)
Sakura taisen (120)
Scp foundation (2)
Steinsgate (50)
Summer wars (24)
Seiken manifestia (2)
Suikoden (2)
Star wars (4)
Samurai champloo (4)
Slam dunk (3)
Shinigami bocchan to kuro maid (1)
Summertime render | summer time rendering (1)
Seikon no qwaser | the qwaser of stigmata (1)
Streets of rage | bare knuckle (1)
Sakura taisen | sakura wars (7)
Shuumatsu no harem | worlds end harem (1)
Subarashiki hibi (2)
Shakunetsu no takkyuu musume (3)
Soltyrei (1)
Shugo chara (13)
Sora no otoshimono (20)
Samurai flamenco (1)
Slow start (2)
Seraph of the end | owari no seraph (1)
Sekirei (18)
Seiken densetsu (5)
Sally the witch (2)
Space pirate mito | uchuu kaizoku mito no daibouken (1)
Sarazanmai (3)
Shuumatsu no izetta | izetta the last witch (1)
Super robot wars (91)
School rumble (56)
Sacred seven (2)
Sasuga no sarutobi (1)