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#251703 - She laughed an evil maniacal laugh, she had released the lining onto my shaft! “Exactly! Obey and twitch, bitch! Oh, the things I’ll do to you and the things I’ll make you do!” She sounded excited, serious and wicked. This drove me nuts, here I was, after haven't seen her/spoken to her in ages, sucking her warm fresh piss from her panties that she had just dropped to her feet one random Saturday, while she had me blindfolded with my hand and legs tied behind my back and a kinky ass-neck contraption in her tent on a remote beach far from human civilization. “I got into your bus at the Ardmore stop and found you dozing off in your seat like a rock.

Read Gay Clinic Shoujo Saimin Club - Touhou project De Quatro Shoujo Saimin Club

Most commented on Gay Clinic Shoujo Saimin Club - Touhou project De Quatro

Kogasa tatara
You re adorable
Ikki tenryou
Who the fuck plays with sunglasses on