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#2452 - 9 hit and everyone was leavin and I was takin off my shirt gettin to the business when Claire came out and said she was goin for some food, we were gonna be here for a minute. She stood there waitin for me to say somethin so I said, I'm doin some paper work not watchin some porn. Normally you try to be supportive and try to listen to their problems but I ain't normal, so I snuck up on her, turned her chair around, looked her in the face and said that's why you exploded on me, here eat your burger and suck that mess up, you too fine to be cryin.

Read Double Penetration Glorious Anthem - Seiken densetsu 3 Step Dad Glorious Anthem

Most commented on Double Penetration Glorious Anthem - Seiken densetsu 3 Step Dad

I wish that was my cock getting jerked and sucked like that
Fuck i wanna get pounded like that
Keiko kuroha
Bad luck to u lol
Strider hiryu
You are perfect