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#407907 - Eddie, apparently, didn’t know about us, and in fact didn’t know about Denise’s bisexuality, and she had suggested that we perhaps try something on that weekend. We went out for a meal and then on to a pub, where we had way too much to drink. Both of us saw other women (and men, since we’re both bisexual rather than lesbian).

Read Gaydudes [Fukutoku Saori] Aidoru to hitotsuyanenoshita ~ kusareen, nochi × × × ~ | 和偶像生活在同一屋檐下~孽缘啊,之后xxx了~(Ikemen'aidoru no etchinaitazura ni komattemasu… ~tsuansorojī) [Chinese] [莉赛特汉化组] Babysitter Aidoru to hitotsuyanenoshita| 和偶像生活在同一屋檐下~孽缘啊,之后xxx了~

Most commented on Gaydudes [Fukutoku Saori] Aidoru to hitotsuyanenoshita ~ kusareen, nochi × × × ~ | 和偶像生活在同一屋檐下~孽缘啊,之后xxx了~(Ikemen'aidoru no etchinaitazura ni komattemasu… ~tsuansorojī) [Chinese] [莉赛特汉化组] Babysitter

Muraku houjou
Fucking amazingg wow
Yuuko kanoe
Que rica estas mamacita te parto en 2 otro nivel de mujer