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#327408 - As her head really flung up and all about as Shadow now shoved his tongue up into her pussy just the tip of it exploring her quivering hole of pleasure as she screamed out:: Ohhhhh iinnn meeee Oh it's ggoing in mee And crying it the roughness of it as now Shadow had worked even more up into her the whole tip buried and coming back out opening her more as each thrust went deeper the whole of the tip and the starting curling thickness of his tongue working her open as she screamed and cried out more and more. And standing back up she grabbed Staci and then made and helped her lean right down onto it with her knees and then moved her upper body over onto the ottoman adjusting her so she was laid onto it on her arms and shoulders. Shivering in desire, fear, and the fact of it being such a forbidden act.

Read Casal Milf Airline - Original Ejaculation Milf Airline