#76020 - Now, could we talk in English please, so I can improve my skills level?” She removed her foot totally, sat up in her chair, and demurely smiled, raising her glass, “To you and Yen, and to us”, clinking my glass which I then emptied in one long, calming swallow. ” Liem said “Sorry” but I shushed her and told her she should ask for condoms from others in future. With a wife who requires no sex from her husband had made it easy for mother-in-law to seduce me for pure sex; for me to enjoy the sexual love of grandmother-in-law until she passed away, then equally with a pure duplicate of grandmother who visited me; a consulting job in my previous wife’s country led to sex and emotions with ex-mother-in-law, to sex with her sister, and after a new consulting assignment back there, to a re-uniting with my ex-wife’s daughter, Yen, who I hadn’t seen for years, not seen since she was the ‘baby’ I had always wanted, but she wasn’t mine naturally, and she was back for holidays at age 17, found I wa
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